
Cursors in plsql
Cursors in plsql

Because there is no type checking with a weak REF CURSOR, all such types are interchangeable. Weak REF CURSOR types are more flexible because the compiler lets you associate a weakly typed cursor variable with any query. Like a cursor, a cursor variable points to the current row in the result set of a multi-row query. A REF CURSOR essentially encapsulates the results of a query. Because many cursor variables might exist to point to many work areas, REF CURSOR can be thought of as a category or data type specifier that identifies many different types of cursor variables. A REF CURSOR, then, identifies a reference to a cursor variable. In SQL, a pointer has the data type REF x, where REF is short for REFERENCE and x represents the entity being referenced. The cursor variables are opened with the privileges of the owner of the procedure and behave just like they were completely contained within the pl/sql routine.Ī cursor variable holds the memory location of a query work area, rather than the contents of the area.ĭeclaring a cursor variable creates a pointer. Cursor variables are cursors opened by a pl/sql routine and fetched from by another application or pl/sql routine. With 7.2 on up of the database you have cursor variables.

  • Associative Arrays (Index-By Tables) - Table Of Indexed By - Map.
  • (Nested) tables (Table Of without indexing).
  • FOR LOOP Statement (On Cursor, Sequence, ).
  • Oracle Database - (Online table) Redefinition (DBMS_REDEFINITION).
  • DBMS_RANDOM to generate random number, string and date.
  • Cursor Variables (also known as REF CURSORs).
  • Collections (Datatype Table of, Varray of).
  • Bulk Collect - Fetch collection of (records|Collection).
  • Bind Variable and In Comparison Operators.
  • PL/SQL - (Procedure Language|PL) SQL 46 pages

    Cursors in plsql